Codemotion Rome 2018

Sample 1 - console app

In a sample1 directory, run

mkdir sample1 && cd sample1

dotnet new

Now let’s create a console app


dotnet new console -lang f#

let’s open code to inspect it, run

code .

A normal console app is:

Open the Program.fs in the editor

This is the entrypoint of the of the program, the main and the args passed to the console app

When ionide is started, make the F# PROJECT EXPLORER visible on bottom-left corner of code. This contains the projects loaded

project explorer

Now, let’s build it. It can be done in the the terminal

TIP code has an embedded terminal. Open it with View -> Integrated Terminal

dotnet build


dotnet build

This compile the project and show the output:

Microsoft (R) Build Engine version for .NET Core
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

  Restore completed in 37,31 ms for E:\codemotion\sample1\sample1.fsproj.
  sample1 -> E:\codemotion\sample1\bin\Debug\netcoreapp2.0\sample1.dll

Build succeeded.
    0 Warning(s)
    0 Error(s)

Time Elapsed 00:00:01.23

So the output is bin/Debug/netcoreapp2.0/sample1.dll

To run it:

dotnet bin/Debug/netcoreapp2.0/sample1.dll

Now let’s pass some arguments. First change the program to print the arguments.

DO add to the main

printfn "%A" argv

dotnet run

Now another time, compile and execute. Run:

dotnet build
dotnet bin/Debug/netcoreapp2.0/sample1.dll a b --other a

A faster way to do it, is use dotnet run command, who does the same thing

dotnet run -- a b

dotnet publish

What if i want to use my app in another machine?

Two possibilities of deployment:

First let’s try FDD


dotnet publish

This create the bin/Debug/netcoreapp2.0/publish/ directory who can be copied in another machine, and run with

dotnet sample1.dll

Now a SCD, in another directory


dotnet publish --runtime win-x64 --output out

and that directory out contains sample1.exe you can run directly as out\sample1.exe 1 2 3

Doing the same for osx

dotnet publish --runtime osx-x64 --output outosx

Or linux, run

dotnet publish -r linux-x64 -o outlinux -c Release

NOTE on linux .net core apps has some requirements, like the libunwind package installed (see docs)

NOTE to know your local os runtime id (called RID like osx-64), just do dotnet --info

Runtime Environment:
 OS Name:     Windows
 OS Version:  10.0.16299
 OS Platform: Windows
 RID:         win10-x64

NOTE is possibile to bundle these deps as local copies, ref

NOTE the runtime can be specified also in the fsproj


Ionide vscode integration

To run it in debugging, without any setting, just:

project explorer

VSCode settings

Let’s configure VS Code to build/debug this project VSCode use tasks to run things.

If there are no error, default behavior is not show message. you can override with

            "presentation": {
                "reveal": "always"

To run it:

So now the default run build use that

If there is an error, are shown in PROBLEMS tab You can move between errors with

Now, to debug

Or you can create a launch.json with info about debug with:

now F5 and > Debug: continue will run as usual

External package

For example we need to parse the command line arguments We want to use Argu library

to manage the packages in the project, we can use the dotnet add and dotnet remove commands

dotnet add package Argu

this add a packagereference to the project

    <PackageReference Include="Argu" Version="3.7.0" />

and restore the project (download the package).

We can now use argu to manage command line args First declaring the arguments

open Argu

type CLIArguments =
    | Port of tcp_port:int
    interface IArgParserTemplate with
        member s.Usage =
            match s with
            | Port _ -> "specify a primary port."

and doing the parsing in the main

    let parser = ArgumentParser.Create<CLIArguments>(programName = "sample1")

        let args = parser.Parse argv

        match args.GetAllResults() with
        | [Port p] -> printfn "set port %i" p
        | _ -> ()

        0 // return an integer exit code
    | :? ArguParseException as ex ->
        printfn "%s" ex.Message
    | ex ->
        printfn "Internal Error:"
        printfn "%s" ex.Message

to check is working:

dotnet run -- --help
dotnet run -- --port 81

NOTE by default configuration, the --help raise an exception in Argu. Try with debugging, you can see the ex.ErrorCode is HelpText

Multi Targeting

The sdk support multi target framework as first class.

Change from


to the PLURAL, the is an s at end ( <– PLURAL )


You can add all tfm you want netcoreapp2.0;net452;net462 etc. Same for libraries

Now just restore

dotnet restore

and to build all frameworks, just dotnet build Use dotnet build -f netcoreapp2.0 to build just one.

All commands (test, etc) have a --framework of -f parameter

You can conditionally add msbuild items (like Compile, PackageReference or ProjectReference) with the attribute Condition=" '$(TargetFramework)' == 'netcoreapp2.0' "